Monday, May 5, 2008

5. c) Act 1, Scenes 1-3: Do Anne and Peter seem to have typical teenage attitudes towards their families? (Go back to the text for support)

I think that at times Anne and Peter do have typical teenage attitudes towards their families because of their actions, but that also may be because of their need to let out some of their feelings from being couped up for so long with their families. An example of when Anne acted "teenagely" towards the families was when she annoyed Mr. Van Daan by speaking a little bit rudely towards him and by taking his pipe and hiding it from him. Peter doesn't really act very "teenagely" towards the families during the play, but he does kind of act that way towards Anne. An example of this is when Peter teased Anne repeatedly about being called Mrs. Quack Quack at school. He does this by talking about it a lot and then by saying "Quack! Quack! Quack!" over and over again, whenever Anne says something. I think that the way that Anne and Peter acted was a little bit different than the way that teenagers act towards their families nowadays, but still, they did act with some attitude at times.


JenniferY said...

I agree with you. Anne does act a teenager but I think that most of the time she's a bit childish. I think that Peter is like Margot sometimes always being quiet and things like that. But I think that Peter is sometimes like a .....I don't know. He sometimes is not talkative. Sorry I can't stand being in a quiet room. Anne, I think, needs to control not letting people know all of her feelings but Peter is the complete opposite he needs to talk.
Great job~~~
Sorry I didn't answer the first question, I sort of got sick of writing about the same thing for every people^^

Sharon said...

I agree with you... Anne and Peter does act like teenagers but Anne acts more like a baby in the beginnning. She is like saying that she is old enough so her mother should stop caring about her... That is kind of sad...Also for Mrs. VanDaan, teasing Peter is not really a great thing to do since he is in his adolescence and he is not a baby anymore... anyways GREAT JOB ON YOUR BLOG

Justin said...

YEah I agree with your consideration of Peter and Anne acting towards their parents and families. Anne is more of a outgoing child than a child that keeps everything from himeself like PEter, so Anne isn't ashamed of boy-girl stuff and she doesn't really care if MRs. Van Daan teased Peter that his girlfriend was Anne. But Peter on the otherhand is kind of mature but has cooties towards girls