Monday, March 17, 2008

Setting in "Lost Names"

So far, the main character in "Lost Names" has moved around a lot over Korea and Japan. They started out in Korea, then they moved to Manchuria, then back to Korea!! I am going to discuss the setting of where they are in Korea. They are in a small village where the main character, his sister, his younger sister, his brand new sibling, his grandmother, his mother, and his father all live. The main character goes to a school kind of close by to where his house is. He is the class leader of his class and he spends a lot of time at the school, helping out with his various jobs. He lives in kind of a country house and he plays outside a lot. He has to collect wood and pine cones for his classroom fire, so he does that around his village. There are many people in his town and he enjoys spending time with his friends in the village. I wonder if he will have to move to a new setting again...

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Characters in "Lost Names"

So far, in "Lost Names", we have been introduced to the main characters: the father, the mother, and the child. We have also been introduced to other minor characters such as: the conductor, the detective, the policeman, and a bunch of others. I am going to focus mainly on the mother in this blog post. The mother showed a lot of courage in this chapter when the father was taken away and when she had to cross the frozen river on foot. Even though she was scared for herself, for her husband, and for the baby, she showed a lot of courage in the scary moments of her journey. Even in the short amount of time that we read about the mother, you can tell that her character grew stronger and more courageous through that frightening moment in her life. The mother is a very brave person and she showed that in her actions.


One of the times that I kept a secret in my life was when my best friend and I were having a sleepover and she told me who she liked. She told me not to tell anyone and I promised that I wouldn't. And even though it was really hard for me to not tell my other friends, I kept my promise and didn't tell anyone. Later on, she ended up telling my other friends that she liked that person so I wasn't burdened with keeping the secret any longer. I kept the secret for her because she was my best friend and I had made a promise to her. I think that keeping this secret reveals that I am a trustworthy person because I didn't tell anyone, though it was difficult. I also think that if you keep a secret for someone and don't tell other people, they will know that they can trust you and they might tell you other secrets later on.


A time in my life when I was courageous was when my family and I were moving to Korea. I had no idea what to expect there, and before they told me about it, I hadn't even heard of Korea! It also meant that I had to leave all of my friends, extended family, house, cat, and a LOT more behind. But I showed a lot of courage through the experience and I got through it, even though it was kind of scary sometimes. The thing is though, is that I couldn't have done it if God hadn't have helped me. I think that God made me so excited and ready to move that it made leaving everything behind a lot easier. I think that this reveals that I can be a courageous person, but only if I have the help of God. It shows that I can make it through even the most life-changing situations if I have the help of God.