Monday, March 17, 2008

Setting in "Lost Names"

So far, the main character in "Lost Names" has moved around a lot over Korea and Japan. They started out in Korea, then they moved to Manchuria, then back to Korea!! I am going to discuss the setting of where they are in Korea. They are in a small village where the main character, his sister, his younger sister, his brand new sibling, his grandmother, his mother, and his father all live. The main character goes to a school kind of close by to where his house is. He is the class leader of his class and he spends a lot of time at the school, helping out with his various jobs. He lives in kind of a country house and he plays outside a lot. He has to collect wood and pine cones for his classroom fire, so he does that around his village. There are many people in his town and he enjoys spending time with his friends in the village. I wonder if he will have to move to a new setting again...


Caleb J. said...

...uhh, I am the only one of the 8 reading the book to not notice that they moved back to Korea. Well, good blog, nice post. Have fun finishing it up.

Caleb J.

HahnjiJ said...

I think that in Lost names the setting is very important, it seems like it affects his life alot, I just finished the book and although he has to go to another place his whole family doesn't move again which i think helps them alot.

LeonJJ said...

Well...I agree with you, but not with all the facts. He does develope as a person from his past of traveling often. See? Manchuria is in CHINA not JAPAN! They went to CHINA to escape from JAPAN to be safe from them while they worked for liberation. IT IS WRITTEN that they crossed the river in NORTH KOREA of today to CHINA.

BeccaR said...


YOu're really good at describing the setting. I'm not reading this book (lol you know that cuz I'm in your class) but just the way you described it really can give me an idea of what the story's about and paints a picture. It sounds like the setting really is important in this book. I like it! hehe

luv ya Great Job!♥